Thank You For Your Interest In Learning About Us

The Lone Star Region (LSR), or Chapter, is a chartered club of the Vintage Chevrolet Club of America (VCCA). The national VCCA was founded in 1961. Our local organization, the LSR, was founded in April of 1971. The organization is family oriented and promotes interest in antique and classic (or just about any Chevrolet) and GMC Trucks.

While we focus on restoration of old Chevys and GMC Trucks it doesn’t mean they are all restored to factory stock. As a matter of fact, some vehicles are restored to original stock standards while others receive mild or extreme modifications and others are just left alone. No matter your preference, you’ll find that we do all this just for the fun of it.

And, if you don’t already own your dream Chevrolet, maybe we can help you find that special vehicle. Either way, we welcome you and your membership. You are also welcome to get to know us by visiting with us as a guest.

We work with each other on vehicles, advise each other, and locate new replacement or hard-to-find parts. And if we can’t find solutions locally, we have a coast-to-coast network of expertise and parts resources. You can also benefit from discounted insurance offerings from insurance companies supporting the club.

You too can enjoy your Chevrolet as a member of the LSR VCCA. Joining is easy. You can join by mail or electronically by visiting the VCCA website. Membership information follows.


USA & Worldwide On-line Only – Popular (No printed magazine):

1 Year $35, (Popular) 2 Years $70, 3 Years $105

United States  – Printed Magazine & Online (Periodical Mail – 5-10 day delivery:

1 Year $50, (Popular) 2 Years $98, 3 Years $147

United States Printed Magazine & Online (1st Class Mail – 3-7 day delivery time):

1 Year $75, 2 Years 149, 3 Years $233

Canada Printed Magazine & Online (2-3 week delivery time):

1 Year $80

International – Printed & Online (3-6 week delivery time):

1 Year $100


Once a VCCA member, you can join the Lone Star Region, your local chapter for a mere $12.00 a year.

2025 Lone Star Region Officers

Director   Barry Simpson

Assistant Director   Roger Perez

Secretary   Eileen Rogers

Treasurer   Glen Rogers

Membership  Bobby Mills

Sunshine   Sheila Kinsey

Webmaster   Roger Perez

Board Member   Chuck Kinsey

Board Member   Bobby Mills

Advisors Emeritus   Jerry Gray, Elmer Anderson, Wayne Wilshire, Forrest (Chip) Sweet

For detailed rules about the LSR you may wish to read our bylaws here: LSR By-Laws

Take A Look At What We're All About

Enjoying our End-of-the-Year event, the LSR Christmas Party on December 14, 2024. Just one of many activities in 2024. More events on the Events page.