Welcome and Thank You for visiting our site. The Chevrolet Club of North Texas is the Lone Star Region/Chapter of the Vintage Chevrolet Club of America (VCCA). As you will soon discover, we are a very active club with many exciting and at times adventurous EVENTS throughout the year. As you explore the site you’ll realize this is a family-friendly club. While the VCCA is a national organization, each local Region/Chapter operates independently from the VCCA and at the same time enjoys the many benefits a national organization can offer. We hope that as a visitor to this site you will explore the entire site and consider becoming a member.

Why should you join? The Vintage Chevrolet Club of America was born in 1961. It has a rich history of success and provides no-cost benefits once you become a member.

For example, each car “era” has designated individuals with the expertise to help you out with any question you may have about your specific vehicle(s). It’s like having your personal consultant just a phone call away.

You’ll also receive a glossy monthly magazine to inform you about things like national and regional events taking place, stories about member cars, and you may also find that car or rare part you’ve been looking for – all right there in the magazine. If you decide a hardcopy magazine is not for you no problem. You can opt out of the magazine for a lower cost membership. The magazine will still be available to you electronically.

Another membership benefit is the VCCA website with an online swap meet plus every imaginable bit of information related to your vehicle of interest. As a VCCA member you also have access to car insurance discounts.

One last mention of a benefit is that as a member you will be eligible to join a local region/chapter like this one which has been active since it was chartered in April 1971. Like the VCCA the Lone Star Region (LSR) also has a rich history.

At the region level you’ll be able to participate in car related activities like touring areas outside the metroplex, showing your car in local parades, join other members in car shows, quarterly business meetings, special meeting events, monthly activities, a Christmas party, and other similar activities.

All cars displayed on this website are member cars unless otherwise stated. As you can see from cars displayed here we have a large variety of Chevrolets. Some member cars are still awaiting repairs or restoration, most are daily drivers, and some are close to or at the “show” level. So, no matter what shape your Chevy is in (or maybe you don’t even own one at this time) we invite you to join the Lone Star Region of the VCCA.